Full Denture Over Implant

What is Fixed Denture Over Implant?
A fixed implant dentures is completely anchored and supported by dental implants. There are different terms used to describe a fixed implant dentures, such as fixed complete denture, fixed detachable dentures, the hybrid dentures, or the All-on-4 dentures.
Usually 4 to 6 implants are required to provide sufficient biomechanical support for this type of dentures. The final determination of the number of implants utilized to retain and support a fixed complete denture is based on consideration of the biomechanical factors that are usually specific to each patient. These include, the arch being restored, the form of the arch, the quantity and quality of the bone, the status of the opposing arch (dentate versus edentulous), forces generated by the patient and anatomical limitations.

In Which Situations Is Fixed Dentures Over Implant Made?
Dental implants not only allow the replacement of all missing teeth behind a tooth, but also help prevent bone loss that occurs when teeth are lost. When there is no tooth, the jawbone has no function and this causes it to deteriorate. This reduction in the jawbone has unaesthetic consequences for your face (causes an older appearance), especially when all teeth are missing. With the use of implant-supported dentures, your bone and facial support is protected and offered for use.

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What are the advantages of fixed denture over the implant?
Implant supported fixed denture can replace both teeth and gingival tissue. It looks like your natural teeth. The dentures fits securely even when we chew and speak. In addition, they do not allow the opposing natural teeth to move and slide, they protect the bite and jaw joint.

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Applications are planned at a professional level and in terms of a scientific perspective.

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Our target is to renew your natural smile with the blending of medicine, technology and art.

We support your smile with our expert dentists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We have created a clinical environment where you can feel comfortable and safe with maximum hygiene and sterilization. Your satisfaction is our first priority in our clinic, which we have designed taking account all the needs of our patients.

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What is a Removable Dentures Over Implant?
Many people who do not have teeth in one or both jaws find a way to regain their smile with a removable denture. However, wearing dentures is not always easy. Sometimes when you try to eat or talk, they will slide. A loose denture can make you feel unconscious and prevent you from eating a nutritious meal. Removable dentures also prevent bone loss in the jaw over time by pressing on the bone protrusions that used to support the teeth. Supporting your removable dentures with dental implants eliminates problems.
It is sufficient to place two implants in the lower jaw and four implants in the upper jaw for Removable Dentures Over Implant. We do this treatment mostly for our patients who cannot implant in the posterior region because there is a lot of bone loss. In this way, the dentures still becomes a dentures close to the fixed dentures. It minimizes the movement in the mouth.

Advantages of Removable Dentures Over Implant
Removable dentures over implants not only allow the replacement of all missing teeth in an arch, but also help prevent bone loss that occurs when teeth are lost. When there is no tooth, the jawbone has no function and this causes it to deteriorate. This reduction in the jawbone has aesthetic consequences for your face, especially in cases where all the teeth are missing. With the use of implant dentures, the bone is put into use, protected and your facial support is provided.

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