Implant Treatment

Welcome to the Denttovil Premium Implant Network It is very much possible to restore your smile and the functionality of your mouth.

What is Implant?

Implants are titanium screws used in the treatment of missing teeth and placed inside the jawbone. A dental dentures is placed on these screws. The advantage of implant treatment over other treatments is that adjacent teeth are not damaged. So the adjacent teeth do not need to be cut. The implant acts as a tooth root and you can eat, talk and laugh like a natural tooth.

In which cases is the implant applied?

Implant is a treatment method applied for good oral health in people who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease, caries, trauma or any other reason. In the areas where the teeth are missing, melting occurs over time. The application of the implant following tooth extraction significantly reduces this amount of melting.

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What are the Advantages of Implant Treatment?

1. Dental implants look like natural teeth

A dental implant has the appearance of a natural tooth. The denture is flush with the gum line so no one can notice your implants.

2. Dental implants are like natural teeth

The dental implant itself is no different from your own teeth, as it is firmly fixed to your jawbone like a natural root.

3. Dental implants can prevent bone loss

One of the side effects of losing a tooth is that you start to lose bone mass around the missing tooth area. This is because there is no longer a root to promote ossification/strengthening of the bone. By placing a dental implant in your jawbone, it stimulates bone growth through a process called osseointegration. This can help prevent bone loss in the future.

4. Dental implants support your facial structure

Dental implants help keep your jawbones strong and protect your facial structure.

5. Dental implants are long-lasting

Like your natural teeth, with the right care, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime.

6. Dental implants are cost-effective

They are affordable compared to the lifetime costs of dental implants and the cost of other restorations that may need to be replaced regularly.

7. Dental implants do not limit what you eat

One of the biggest complaints about tooth loss or wearing dentures is that people have to change what they eat because their bites are less effective or because the dentures don’t stay in place long enough to make it possible to eat things like apples or apples. Once the dental implants are stable, you can eat and drink normally like most people.

8. Dental implants allow you to eat, talk and laugh with confidence

Having missing teeth can affect how you feel about smiling. Denture wearers, on the other hand, say that they are worried about their dentures moving while talking or laughing. Dental implants are held in place by your jawbone and don’t move, so you can have a laugh as much as you want.

9. Dental implants are easy to maintain

Dental implants are easy to care for because they require the same care as a natural tooth, meaning they need brushing and flossing at least twice a day, regular dental checkups and routine checkups. Many people think that because their implants are not made of organic materials, they do not need to be cleaned, but this is a misconception. Like natural teeth, dental implants can cause problems such as gum disease and infections if not properly cared for.

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In Which Situations Is The Implant Not Applied?

It will not be appropriate to apply implants to patients with poor general health status, people with bad habits, and individuals whose jawbone structure is not suitable.

How long does the implant treatment?

Placement of each implant takes 3-4 minutes. An implant surgery takes an average of 15 minutes in single tooth deficiencies. First, the implants are placed in the jawbone, and then it is expected that the implants will fuse to the jawbone for a period of approximately 2 to 4 months. Then the prosthetic teeth are placed and the treatment is completed.

Implant Sedation Application


Sedation application involves the use of medication to keep patients in a calm and relaxed state during a dental procedure. The dentist may use a method of sedation to keep you in a dreamlike state or to completely fall asleep. The strength of the medications used in sedation dentistry can be adjusted to the level that will bring the patient to the most comfortable state for the procedure. If your dentist uses sedation, let’s talk about what you can expect before and after dental implants.

Before the Procedure


Before the surgery day, your dentist will determine the sedation method they will use. Inhalation sedation, oral sedation, or IV sedation will be one of the options. Generally, IV sedation is recommended if more than one implant is placed. If you choose this sedation, there are preparations you need to make before surgery. Do not eat or drink anything for 12 hours before implant surgery unless your dentist recommends otherwise. Take necessary medications with just a sip of water. Oral and inhalation sedation do not require this step. Wear loose and comfortable clothes on the day of surgery. Since your motor function and judgment will be impaired and you will not be able to drive by yourself, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

During and After the Procedure

During the procedure, you will be watched closely to make sure you are properly anesthetized for surgery. After the surgery is completed, you will gradually regain consciousness. Some drowsiness can be expected a few hours after the surgery. You will likely not remember anything that happened during the surgery. You may need to bite into gauze to control bleeding after the procedure. Dentists usually recommend taking painkillers before the sedative effects wear off. When you get home, focus on taking time for yourself to rest and recover. Keep your head elevated to reduce blood flow to the surgical site and apply an ice pack to the side of the face to reduce swelling. Take any medications your dentist has prescribed, including antibiotics, to prevent infection. To keep your mouth clean, rinse with warm water and salt and brush your teeth very gently. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least three weeks after surgery, as this may increase the risk of implant failure.


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Can implant application be made on the same day after tooth extraction?

If there is no abscess or lesion in the tooth to be extracted, the tooth is extracted during the surgery and the implant is placed directly into the pit formed on the day of the implant placement.

Could there be a situation where the body rejects the implants?

It has been determined as a result of the researches that the implant made of titanium is tissue-friendly. Implants are not rejected by the body, that is, tissue rejection. However, if the patients do not comply with the warnings (not consuming cigarettes and alcohol, not spitting in the first 24 hours, etc.), the problem of non-union of the implants to the bone may occur.

Is an implant needed for every lost tooth?

Yes, a screw (implant) made of titanium and imitating the root of that tooth is placed in place of each previously extracted or newly extracted tooth. Depending on the patient’s intraoral condition, a crown bridge (bridge) treatment may also be applied instead of the implant.

Can an implant be applied to every patient?

Implant treatment can be applied to individuals who have sufficient jawbones and have completed their growth and development. For patients with disturbances in their blood values, implant treatment can be performed with a consent form from medical dentists that their values are under control. In pregnancy, like many other treatments, this treatment cannot be applied.

Can an implant be applied if all teeth are missing?

Yes, it can be applied. With hybrid dentures called all on four and all on six, four or six implants can be placed in a single jaw, a screwed full gear system can be made on it and a fixed dentures treatment can be applied.

What is the advantage of the implant process compared to the dental bridge treatment?

An implant is an imitation of a natural tooth root placed in the bone. Therefore, it minimizes the possibility of osteoporosis. In dental bridge treatment, these teeth may decay because the two teeth on both sides of the pit, which are used as bridge legs, are cut and covered by reducing the size of teeth. The bone under the body placed in the cavity may melt over time and the gum may recede. In the light of this information, the first recommended treatment is implant treatment because it is more advantageous in the long term.

How long is the life of an implant?

The implant stays in the mouth for life as long as there is no bone disease in later ages.