Apical Resection

Apical resection
Apical surgery is considered a standard oral surgical procedure. It is often a last resort to surgically maintain a tooth with a periapical lesion that cannot be managed with conventional endodontic retreatment..
The main goal of apical surgery is to prevent bacterial leakage from the root-canal system into the peri-radicular tissues by placing a tight root-end filling following root-end resection. Clinicians are advised to utilize a surgical microscope to perform apical surgery to benefit from magnification and illumination. In addition, the application of microsurgical techniques in apical surgery, i.e., gentle incision and flap elevation, production of a small osteotomy, and the use of sonic- or ultrasonic driven microtips, will result in less trauma to the patient and faster postsurgical healing. A major step in apical surgery is to identify possible leakage areas at the cut root face and subsequently to ensure adequate root-end filling.
Only a tight and persistent apical obturation will allow periapical healing with good long-term prognosis. The present paper describes current indications, techniques and outcome of apical surgery.

In which situations is an apical resection surgery performed?

For a healthy smile
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How to Perform Apical Resection Surgery?

Before any procedure is performed, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth.

During the procedure, your dentist cuts your gum and pushes the gum tissue aside to reach the root. Usually only a few millimeters of the root are removed, as is any infected tissue around the root.

After the root tip is removed, the root canal inside the tooth is cleaned and closed with a small filling to prevent future infections. Your dentist may take another X-ray to make sure your teeth and jaw are looking good and there is no place for a new infection to take hold.

The tissue is then sutured. The jawbone also eventually heals around the filling at the tip of the root. You should not feel too much pain or discomfort during the procedure.

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